
Saturday, 30 May 2015


 My mom has been such a blessing to me and I am forever grateful to God for blessing me with her.
I was chatting to her a few days ago that I feel I am losing myself in this world, I am becoming too attached to material things that I don't even have time to pray to God. As a wise lady she is, this is what she said to me:

"Get your priorities straight, what is more important losing my soul and gaining the world?Chase after the one who loves you and have your best interest at heart. God has been so good to bless you with so much, let Him guide and lead you. Jesus is the alpha and omega, everything comes to an end but He will remain. Remember how far you have come and How faithful God is, go back to that place and rebuild your relationship with Him. Let all that God has done and the fellowship you have with Him not be in vain. Make God your top priority, He has been faithful to you all this time and He also has been patient while you ran wild be grateful the Holy spirit spoke to you and you realized your mistake".

"Know your purpose in this world, know why God created you and fulfil that purpose. God is the best friend anyone can have because He knows you, there is no way you can pretend with Him. Read the bible on the life of Abraham, Jacob, David and Job, they lived their lives with a purpose to serve God even with all their wealth they knew that this is not all, a genuine relationship with the creator is what they strived for. The world is evolving the times we lived in is much different from yours and so are your problems and God knew this that's why He send the Holy Spirit, The temptation in the world is beyond my imagination but you were not forsaken. He send His son to die for your sins, all you have to do is repent and change your ways".

How do you expect to be a blessing to others and bring them closer to God if your priorities are messed up, how will you proclaim his goodness without showing Godliness. How will you pray for others if the Holy spirit is not leading you and how will you be amazed by Him if you are not letting Him be God. You don't have to fight for wealth and material possession if its taking you away from God, seek first His kingdom and let all other things be added. Wealth does not equal eternal life. Knock on heavens door and God will surely be waiting with open arms. He forgives and forget, let Him draw you back. In everything you do talk to Him about it, ask Him to lead you for He knows all.


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